ecp redirects to owa page.

Exchange 2010 cas server ECP redirects to owa page.
It s really annoying.the problem is announced a bug by microsoft.You need to set OWA virtual directory language set.

You can reset the owa setting to default:

set-OwaVirtualDirectory "owa (default web site)" -DefaultClientLanguage 0

TS keyboard layout problem

When you connect to terminal server, you may recognize the keyboard layout is different from console layout.
in order to eliminiate this problem,follow these steps:

1. On the terminal server, click Start, click Run, type regedit , and then click

2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout

3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry

Value name: IgnoreRemoteKeyboardLayout
Data type: REG_DWORD
Value data: 1

4. Restart server

OCS Public IM format issue

Some users can use hotmail address which is related to another domain. is bound to
If you want to add this address to MOC 2007 ,you need to add this address as "erkan.sezgin(".
But you cannot use tools menu-->add contact process.
tricky point,use search box at the top of Moc window.

Install OCS 2007 R2 on Windows 2008 R2

if you install ocs 2007 r2 to windows 2008 r2,as previous version,you need to install framework,IIS,IIS 6 compatibility etc.
but you may get this error,
The Windows Media Format Runtime is required in order to install this component. Installing the Windows Media Format Runtime may require a system restart to complete the installation. Click OK to continue with the installation.
setup gives this warning and nothing.
this is extremely ugly condition.
you need to install Desktop Experience feature.

Modify Users sAMAccountName from Excel file


Ldapstr1 = "LDAP://w2k3-dc/dc=XXXX,dc=com"
Ldapstr2 = "LDAP://"

Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
conn.Open "ADS Provider"

const outputfile="c:\updateResult.txt"

Set wshShell = WScript.CreateObject ("")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set f1 = fso.OpenTextFile (outputfile, 2, True)

On Error Resume Next
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
On Error GoTo 0
Wscript.Echo "Excel not installed."
End If
On Error GoTo 0

strExcelPath = "c:\modify.xls"

objExcel.WorkBooks.Open strExcelPath
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)

' ilk satır başlık bilgisi,ikinci satırdan başlar.

intRow = 2
Do While objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value <> ""

strCurrentSAM = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value
strNewSAM = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 2).Value

Set rs = conn.Execute( _
"<" & Ldapstr1 & ">;" _
& "(&(objectClass=User)(samAccountName="& strCurrentSAM &

If (rs.recordcount = 1) then

strName = rs.Fields(0).Value
strdistinguishedName = rs.Fields(1).Value

Set objItem = GetObject(Ldapstr2 & "/" & strdistinguishedName)

objItem.put "samAccountName", strNewSAM


set objItem = nothing
set rs = nothing

f1.Write strName & "," & strCurrentSAM & "," & strNewSAM & "," & "Done" &


f1.Write strCurrentSAM & "," & "User not found" & VbCrLf

end if

intRow = intRow + 1


Set objExcel = Nothing
Set objSheet = Nothing


Wscript.Echo "Done"

change Sql authentication method from Registry

you may need to change authentication method without installing SQL management studio for express editions
please follow these steps.
1.Stop SQL Server Service.
2.find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQLServer can switch authentication method by changing "DWord value "LoginMode" and change the hex value to "2" from 1.
4.This will change the authentication mode to Mixed Mode from Windows.
5. Start SQL Server Service and login using SA or with a SQL login .
6.Sa account is disabled by default,so you need to enable and give password.
7. Enable SA account by logging in with WIndows Authentication --

from command prompy,
osql -E


{for more info go to}

== Login to SQL Server 2005 using "SA" account with the new password.

Microsoft Device Emulator save state problem

After you saved stated in your windows mobile device emulator,sometimes you cannot start from saved state and you see error:could not read saved-state fix quickly,go to "%userprofile%\application data\microsoft\device emulator" and delete all files in it.

OCS Group Chat File Transfer Issue

when you install group chat server,file transfer feature is not working.
Group chat server has few services,channel service,lookup service and compliance service.
this problem is related to channel service.Channel service provides a connection between group chat,IIS and SQL db.When client sends a file to chat room,client queries the web site and access to \\fqdn\gccshare location.I think this folder must be accessible from gcchannel user and everyone.
follow these steps for IIS 7

1.remember the gcchannel service account password :)
2.if they required ,change service account from "Group Chat Server Configuration tool".sometimes service cant be restarted.check the service logon credential.
3.go to IIS 7 console,in application pool,you will see "MGCWebService application pool".
4.right click to app pool and change the identity credential. default web site,go to MGCwebservice -IIS section-Authentication

6.7.right click anonymous auth and set "application pool identity" you can send file to chat room.

ps:check whether your server certificate is can use a test htm file and hit this link from client and see certificate is true or not.

how to move MSDTC resource to different cluster group

as best practice MSDTC resource can be located to different cluster group.
but it s tricky.

MSDTC -install command install MSDTC service
MSDTC -uninstall makes opposite.
msdtc -resetlog

to uninstall msdtc
msdtc -uninstall and then delete these registry keys


if exists HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSDTC.

--sometimes you see error 4394
--MS DTC's log information has not been configured correctly in the shared cluster ----registry.
--You have to check DCOMCNFG.exe and computer--properties MSDTC tab and log path.

after you uuninstall msdtc service.
reboot and msdtc -install
if you have clustered environment you will see msdtc resource in default cluster group.

to change MSDTC resource to different group ,follow these steps
ps:MSDTC resource group has dependency to disk and Network name.I assume you have another cluster group ,network name and disk resource in it.

1. Offline the MSDTC resource.
a. If moving the resource to a different group The MSDTC resource must be
deleted and recreated
2. Copy the DTC folder from the original drive to the destination drive (c:\windows\system32\msdtc)

3. Open the regedit on browse to "HKLM\Cluster\Resources\MSDTC Resource
GUID\GUID\DtcLogPath" change the value to the new path
4. Change dependency to the New Disk (in different group)
5. From a Cmd line "MSDTC -resetlog"
6. Bring MSDTC resource online

when upgrading OCS R1 to OCS R2

Upgrade list for OCS R1 --> OCS R2 OCS 2007 Global Settings Migration Tool

2.setup MigrateOCS.msi.
3.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsTree command.This command will copy the RTC service container to Configuration partition.
4.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsProperties
Copy the attributes by using this command.

5.You need to give required permission to new container.
lcscmd /forest /action:ForestPrep /global:configuration
lcscmd/domain /action:DomainPrep

now,wait for replication.This is very important.If you cant replicate the changes to other global catalog servers.You will get "contraint violation" error in next step.
this sets up the permission on new objects.

6.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateServerDnReferences
you are saying to servers ,this is my new configuration container.

/SearchBaseDN: is optional parameter.

7.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateUserDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:
you are doing samething to user objects.

8.try to start all ocs services.Then test IM,conference,call features.
If all tests are successfull ,you can run this command:
cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: DeleteSystemGlobalSettingsTree