Firewall port design for OCS EDGE SERVER

check the planning tool,

How to customize QUOTA messages in Exchange 2007

How to customize QUOTA messages in Exchange 2007

Set-SystemMessage -Identity EN\WarningMailbox -Text "Modified Message"

Set-SystemMessage En\WarningMailbox -Text "Please archive your mailbox."

New-SystemMessage -QuotaMessageType ProhibitSendMailbox -Language EN -Text "you can't send mail.sorry."

SCVMM and ESX integration issue.
as you know,SCVMM 2008 can work together esx server.You can add esx host server to scvmm management konsole and easily issues about scvmm and esx integration
limited connectivity and security.

When you add esx host to console ,you see OK(limited).this means you cannot perform basic operations like "save state".
to enable Full management over ESX,
go to ESX host-properties security in scvmm console.
you will see credentials for this host and certificate.
enter esx credentials username,password.
Click retrieve and click "accept both the certificate and public key for this host".

now, you can perform lots of operations but you cannot transfer iso and vm template file to esx.
on esx server login on console and
go to /etc/ssh path.
vi sshd_config
click i for insert
find "PermitLoginforRoot no" and change it to "yes".
to exit use ZZ or :wq command.
restart sshd service by using "/etc/init.d/sshd restart"

now enjoy full integrated esx and SCVMM console.