how to convert your Powershell output to HTML file

Powershell has ability to save a html file for your scripts output.This gives you more flexibility to read and modify data format.

example 1

get-process | convertTo-html | set-content c:\Get-process.htm

This command gives your get-process command output to c:\get-process.htm

example 2

get-process | convertto-html -title "Get-process for this machine" -body "You can see processes of this machine" | set-content c:\get-processWithbody.htm

We add a title text and a body text to our html.

you can change the format of the html page.
-body "

-body " "

Ping a host address by using Powershell

#create a ping object

$ping=New-Object net.NetworkInformation.Ping

#we gonna ping 4 times.

for ($i=0;$i -lt 4;$i++)
#if clause will decide whether it is ok or not.

if ($result.status -eq "Success")
$result.Address.ToString() + " IP address has been responding."

Powershell-Creating Local User

how to create a local user by using Powershell


#uses ADSI types and WinNT provider

$objuser.description="test user"

Powershell Net formları giriş

$form=new-object windows.forms.form
$form.text="Form Başlık"
$button=new-object windows.forms.button