when you install group chat server,file transfer feature is not working.
Group chat server has few services,channel service,lookup service and compliance service.
this problem is related to channel service.Channel service provides a connection between group chat,IIS and SQL db.When client sends a file to chat room,client queries the web site https://fqdn.domain.com/mgcwebservice/mgcwebservice.asmx and access to \\fqdn\gccshare location.I think this folder must be accessible from gcchannel user and everyone.
follow these steps for IIS 7
1.remember the gcchannel service account password :)
2.if they required ,change service account from "Group Chat Server Configuration tool".sometimes service cant be restarted.check the service logon credential.
3.go to IIS 7 console,in application pool,you will see "MGCWebService application pool".
4.right click to app pool and change the identity credential.
5.in default web site,go to MGCwebservice -IIS section-Authentication
6.7.right click anonymous auth and set "application pool identity"
7.now you can send file to chat room.
ps:check whether your server certificate is correct.you can use a test htm file and hit this link from client and see certificate is true or not.
OCS Group Chat File Transfer Issue
file transfer,
ocs group chat