when upgrading OCS R1 to OCS R2

Upgrade list for OCS R1 --> OCS R2

1.download OCS 2007 Global Settings Migration Tool

2.setup MigrateOCS.msi.
3.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsTree command.This command will copy the RTC service container to Configuration partition.
4.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action:MigrateGlobalSettingsProperties
Copy the attributes by using this command.

5.You need to give required permission to new container.
lcscmd /forest /action:ForestPrep /global:configuration
lcscmd/domain /action:DomainPrep

now,wait for replication.This is very important.If you cant replicate the changes to other global catalog servers.You will get "contraint violation" error in next step.
this sets up the permission on new objects.

6.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateServerDnReferences
you are saying to servers ,this is my new configuration container.

/SearchBaseDN: is optional parameter.

7.cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: MigrateUserDnReferences /SearchBaseDN:
you are doing samething to user objects.

8.try to start all ocs services.Then test IM,conference,call features.
If all tests are successfull ,you can run this command:
cscript MigrateOcsGlobalSettings.vbs /Action: DeleteSystemGlobalSettingsTree